Interstate Parenting Time Arrangements
When it comes to parenting schedules, courts generally use a set of standard arrangements between parents. While these customary schedules work for many families, they are not feasible for each situation.
Every family faces unique challenges in determining the appropriate parenting time schedule. For some families with parents across state lines, a workable solution for the distance between households must be identified.
Going the Distance
When one parent lives out of state, a traditional parenting time schedule will not work. But this does not mean that the parent living outside the state must forgo parenting time with their children. In these situations, the parent living out of state may have parenting time for extended periods or the option of traveling to see the children to exercise parenting time.
Whatever the circumstance, the best interests of the children come first when designing a parenting time schedule.
As children grow, their schedules become more complicated, and parenting time schedules often adapt to their needs. A successful arrangement may involve extended parenting time over school breaks, and as children become more involved in activities that require skill development over school breaks, this schedule may evolve to include shorter, more frequent trips as children mature and can travel on their own.
Moving Forward
Clear communication is a key component of navigating parenting time from different states. Parents must work together, often with the help of lawyers, to be flexible and supportive of each other’s interest in spending time with the children.
No matter what your family’s circumstances, Kogut & Wilson’s attorneys can help you identify the parenting time schedule right for you and your family. We will advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive the parenting time you and your children deserve.