Category: Divorce
What is Collaborative Divorce and How Can I Utilize it in My Divorce?
Kogut & Wilson shares insights on collaborative divorce process as an alternative to the traditional divorce process that employs a team approach for resolving a couple’s issues.
Prenuptial Agreements: Considerations Before Saying “I Do”
As prenuptial agreements establish expectations for often sensitive issues and vary based on the couple’s individual circumstances, the process can be difficult to navigate. What should you include in your prenup?
How to Prepare for a Divorce Trial
Kogut & Wilson explains the process to prepare for a divorce trial.
What is the Difference Between (1) an Attorney for the Child, (2) a Child Representative, and (3) a Guardian ad Litem?
Kogut & Wilson shares insights into the roles of third-party advocates in navigating family law proceedings.
What is a Prove-Up?
Brenda Friedman explains what a prove-up is and the process of going through one.
What is dissipation and why should you be aware of it in a divorce proceeding?
Dissipation usually arises when one spouse spends marital money on an extramarital affair, extravagant travel and vacations, gifts or anything else that does not benefit your marriage.
Do I Have to Financially Support My Adult Children After Divorce?
Kogut & Wilson outlines the ways in which parents can consider the financial needs of their adult children and the requirements of the court during divorce proceedings.
Process of Asset & Property Division in Illinois
When getting a divorce, many are concerned with whether they will retain certain assets. Kogut & Wilson is prepared to assist clients through the asset and property division process.
Navigating Illinois Child Support Modifications
During a divorce or parentage proceeding in Illinois, a child support order is often established to ensure the well-being of the child. As financial situations may evolve over the years, many individuals find themselves seeking modifications to court ordered child support to ensure that the child's needs continue to be adequately met.
Process of Maintenance Modification in Illinois
Maintenance modification occurs when a party can prove a substantial change in circumstances has occurred.